Here is a calculator to help you figure out how much epoxy floor product you need.

When coating a floor, you need to know how much coating products you may need. Whether it is epoxy or polyaspartic, having all the products ready to go will make your concrete floor project go smoothly.

You will find calculation forms below for both:

  • Solid Color Floors

  • Flake Floor Coatings

Calculator for measuring Solid Color Epoxy Floors

Things to remember when going over the epoxy or polyaspartic you may need:

  • The condition of the concrete will play a huge role in how much product you may need.

  • What type of floor coating you are doing will determine how much product you want to put down or how tight you pull it.

  • Different products have different viscosity, and for that reason, some products will go down easier, and some will be easier to build up.

  • Using different tools, such as squeegees, will also change how many products you use.

Understanding what you need at different times will come with time. The more you use the products, the more familiar you will become with each.

Flake Floor Product Calculation

Are you ready to get started on your project?

Let’s get you set up with all you need for your floor coating.